No. of Protocol Procurement activity Contracting authority Complaining EO Received date of complaint status
822/24 Furnizim me material higjenik Shërbimi Korrektues i Kosovës Beni Dona Plast shpk 09/09/2024 In process
Procurement Number 33600-24-1083-1-1-1
Title of procurement activity Furnizim me material higjenik
Contracting authority Shërbimi Korrektues i Kosovës
Tender category Supply
The foreseen value of the contract 0.00
Bid price of EO complaining 0.00
Received date of complaint 09/09/2024
Bid price of EO complaining
Deposit for plea 0
Çmimi i ofertës së OE ankues 0
Status of the complaint In process
Date of notification of AK for the plea 09/09/2024
Complain Ankesa 822-24.Pdf
Main text of the plea Furnizim me material higjenik
Numrber of parts
Unit price
Hearing Experts
Professional Exprets
Technical Experts
Date of notification with expertise for CA and EO
The exper report
CA's response No Answer
The response of the EO No Answer
Mendimi i Ekspertit en (Tagat)
Decision of the ASP
ASP decisions
Date of notification of ASP
Vendomi i panelit shqyrues en (Tagat)
Alternate Text


Session text

Date of the session

There is no court record on this case

Name of the document Type of the document Date
Ankesa 822-24.Pdf Complaint 09/09/2024
821/24 Furnizim me dru dhe pelet Municipality of Gjilan BERVENIKU CORPORATION SH.P.K. 09/09/2024 In process
Procurement Number 651-24-7508-1-1-1
Title of procurement activity Furnizim me dru dhe pelet
Contracting authority Municipality of Gjilan
Tender category Supply
The foreseen value of the contract 0.00
Bid price of EO complaining 0.00
Received date of complaint 09/09/2024
Bid price of EO complaining
Deposit for plea 0
Çmimi i ofertës së OE ankues 0
Status of the complaint In process
Date of notification of AK for the plea 09/09/2024
Complain ANKESA 821-24.pdf
Main text of the plea Furnizim me dru dhe pelet
Numrber of parts
Unit price
Hearing Experts
Professional Exprets
Technical Experts
Date of notification with expertise for CA and EO
The exper report
CA's response No Answer
The response of the EO No Answer
Mendimi i Ekspertit en (Tagat)
Decision of the ASP
ASP decisions
Date of notification of ASP
Vendomi i panelit shqyrues en (Tagat)
Alternate Text


Session text

Date of the session

There is no court record on this case

Name of the document Type of the document Date
ANKESA 821-24.pdf Complaint 09/09/2024
820/24 Furnizim me uniforma Verore dhe Dimërore Lot1 dhe Lot2 Ministry of Infrastructure Sodex Group Sh.p.k 09/09/2024 In process
Procurement Number 205-24-5833-1-2-1
Title of procurement activity Furnizim me uniforma Verore dhe Dimërore Lot1 dhe Lot2
Contracting authority Ministry of Infrastructure
Tender category Supply
The foreseen value of the contract 0.00
Bid price of EO complaining 0.00
Received date of complaint 09/09/2024
Bid price of EO complaining
Deposit for plea 0
Çmimi i ofertës së OE ankues 0
Status of the complaint In process
Date of notification of AK for the plea 09/09/2024
Complain Ankesa 820-24.pdf
Main text of the plea Furnizim me uniforma Verore dhe Dimërore Lot1 dhe Lot2
Numrber of parts
Unit price
Hearing Experts
Professional Exprets
Technical Experts
Date of notification with expertise for CA and EO
The exper report
CA's response No Answer
The response of the EO No Answer
Mendimi i Ekspertit en (Tagat)
Decision of the ASP
ASP decisions
Date of notification of ASP
Vendomi i panelit shqyrues en (Tagat)
Alternate Text


Session text

Date of the session

There is no court record on this case

Name of the document Type of the document Date
Ankesa 820-24.pdf Complaint 09/09/2024
819/24 Furnizim me kimikate per trajtimin e ujit (Sulfat alumini, klor, algacid, gëlçere, polielektrolit anjonik etj.) Kompania Ujësjellësi Rajonal Prishtina SH.A Seykos SH.P.K. 09/09/2024 In process
Procurement Number 70433736-24-4280-1-1-1
Title of procurement activity Furnizim me kimikate per trajtimin e ujit (Sulfat alumini, klor, algacid, gëlçere, polielektrolit anjonik etj.)
Contracting authority Kompania Ujësjellësi Rajonal Prishtina SH.A
Tender category Supply
The foreseen value of the contract 0.00
Bid price of EO complaining 0.00
Received date of complaint 09/09/2024
Bid price of EO complaining
Deposit for plea 0
Çmimi i ofertës së OE ankues 0
Status of the complaint In process
Date of notification of AK for the plea 09/09/2024
Complain ankesa 819-24.pdf
Main text of the plea Furnizim me kimikate per trajtimin e ujit (Sulfat alumini, klor, algacid, gëlçere, polielektrolit anjonik etj.)
Numrber of parts
Unit price
Hearing Experts
Professional Exprets
Technical Experts
Date of notification with expertise for CA and EO
The exper report
CA's response No Answer
The response of the EO No Answer
Mendimi i Ekspertit en (Tagat)
Decision of the ASP
ASP decisions
Date of notification of ASP
Vendomi i panelit shqyrues en (Tagat)
Alternate Text


Session text

Date of the session

There is no court record on this case

Name of the document Type of the document Date
ankesa 819-24.pdf Complaint 09/09/2024
818/24 Vendosja e Sinjalizimit dhe pasijeve rrugore ne Autoudhen R7, Morin Gjurgjicë, segmenti Fushe Kosove- Besi si dhe R6 kryqezimi R6 R7 Rreth Rrotullimi R6 R25.2 Ministry of Infrastructure TSR Sh.p.k. 09/09/2024 In process
Procurement Number 205-24-3725-5-1-1
Title of procurement activity Vendosja e Sinjalizimit dhe pasijeve rrugore ne Autoudhen R7, Morin Gjurgjicë, segmenti Fushe Kosove- Besi si dhe R6 kryqezimi R6 R7 Rreth Rrotullimi R6 R25.2
Contracting authority Ministry of Infrastructure
Tender category Work
The foreseen value of the contract 0.00
Bid price of EO complaining 0.00
Received date of complaint 09/09/2024
Bid price of EO complaining
Deposit for plea 0
Çmimi i ofertës së OE ankues 0
Status of the complaint In process
Date of notification of AK for the plea 09/09/2024
Complain ANKESA 818-24.pdf
Main text of the plea Vendosja e Sinjalizimit dhe pasijeve rrugore ne Autoudhen R7, Morin Gjurgjicë, segmenti Fushe Kosove- Besi si dhe R6 kryqezimi R6 R7 Rreth Rrotullimi R6 R25.2
Numrber of parts
Unit price
Hearing Experts
Professional Exprets
Technical Experts
Date of notification with expertise for CA and EO
The exper report
CA's response No Answer
The response of the EO No Answer
Mendimi i Ekspertit en (Tagat)
Decision of the ASP
ASP decisions
Date of notification of ASP
Vendomi i panelit shqyrues en (Tagat)
Alternate Text


Session text

Date of the session

There is no court record on this case

Name of the document Type of the document Date
ANKESA 818-24.pdf Complaint 09/09/2024
817/24 Matja e kënaqshmërisë së pacientit në kujdesin shëndetësor ambullantorik dhe spitalor në Kosovë Instituti Kombetar i Shendetesise Publike Global CT Digital Kosovo Sh.p.k 09/09/2024 In process
Procurement Number 711-24-6006-2-2-1
Title of procurement activity Matja e kënaqshmërisë së pacientit në kujdesin shëndetësor ambullantorik dhe spitalor në Kosovë
Contracting authority Instituti Kombetar i Shendetesise Publike
Tender category Service
The foreseen value of the contract 0.00
Bid price of EO complaining 0.00
Received date of complaint 09/09/2024
Bid price of EO complaining
Deposit for plea 0
Çmimi i ofertës së OE ankues 0
Status of the complaint In process
Date of notification of AK for the plea 09/09/2024
Complain Ankim 817-24.Pdf
Main text of the plea Matja e kënaqshmërisë së pacientit në kujdesin shëndetësor ambullantorik dhe spitalor në Kosovë
Numrber of parts
Unit price
Hearing Experts
Professional Exprets
Technical Experts
Date of notification with expertise for CA and EO
The exper report
CA's response No Answer
The response of the EO No Answer
Mendimi i Ekspertit en (Tagat)
Decision of the ASP
ASP decisions
Date of notification of ASP
Vendomi i panelit shqyrues en (Tagat)
Alternate Text


Session text

Date of the session

There is no court record on this case

Name of the document Type of the document Date
Ankim 817-24.Pdf Complaint 09/09/2024
816/24 Riparimi dhe asfaltimi i rruges ne fshatin Lipe dhe Riparimi dhe asfaltimi i rruges lagjen e Eperme ne fshatin Boletin - e ndare ne dy Loto Komuna Zveçan Valdrini sh.p.k 09/09/2024 In process
Procurement Number 646-24-2791-5-2-1
Title of procurement activity Riparimi dhe asfaltimi i rruges ne fshatin Lipe dhe Riparimi dhe asfaltimi i rruges lagjen e Eperme ne fshatin Boletin - e ndare ne dy Loto
Contracting authority Komuna Zveçan
Tender category Work
The foreseen value of the contract 0.00
Bid price of EO complaining 0.00
Received date of complaint 09/09/2024
Bid price of EO complaining
Deposit for plea 0
Çmimi i ofertës së OE ankues 0
Status of the complaint In process
Date of notification of AK for the plea 09/09/2024
Complain ANKESA 816-24.pdf
Main text of the plea Riparimi dhe asfaltimi i rruges ne fshatin Lipe dhe Riparimi dhe asfaltimi i rruges lagjen e Eperme ne fshatin Boletin - e ndare ne dy Loto
Numrber of parts
Unit price
Hearing Experts
Professional Exprets
Technical Experts
Date of notification with expertise for CA and EO
The exper report
CA's response No Answer
The response of the EO No Answer
Mendimi i Ekspertit en (Tagat)
Decision of the ASP
ASP decisions
Date of notification of ASP
Vendomi i panelit shqyrues en (Tagat)
Alternate Text


Session text

Date of the session

There is no court record on this case

Name of the document Type of the document Date
ANKESA 816-24.pdf Complaint 09/09/2024
815/24 Rekonstruimi i rrugës Rexhep Luci dhe Qamil Hoxha Municipality Pristina Valdrini sh.p.k 09/09/2024 In process
Procurement Number 616-23-10571-5-1-1
Title of procurement activity Rekonstruimi i rrugës Rexhep Luci dhe Qamil Hoxha
Contracting authority Municipality Pristina
Tender category Work
The foreseen value of the contract 0.00
Bid price of EO complaining 0.00
Received date of complaint 09/09/2024
Bid price of EO complaining
Deposit for plea 0
Çmimi i ofertës së OE ankues 0
Status of the complaint In process
Date of notification of AK for the plea 09/09/2024
Complain Ankesa 815-24.pdf
Main text of the plea Rekonstruimi i rrugës Rexhep Luci dhe Qamil Hoxha
Numrber of parts
Unit price
Hearing Experts
Professional Exprets
Technical Experts
Date of notification with expertise for CA and EO
The exper report
CA's response No Answer
The response of the EO No Answer
Mendimi i Ekspertit en (Tagat)
Decision of the ASP
ASP decisions
Date of notification of ASP
Vendomi i panelit shqyrues en (Tagat)
Alternate Text


Session text

Date of the session

There is no court record on this case

Name of the document Type of the document Date
Ankesa 815-24.pdf Complaint 09/09/2024
814/24 Ndërtimi i rrugës rajonale R221 segmenti Rakosh-Cërkolez Ministry of Infrastructure R & Rukolli shpk 09/09/2024 In process
Procurement Number 205-24-5193-5-1-1
Title of procurement activity Ndërtimi i rrugës rajonale R221 segmenti Rakosh-Cërkolez
Contracting authority Ministry of Infrastructure
Tender category Work
The foreseen value of the contract 0.00
Bid price of EO complaining 0.00
Received date of complaint 09/09/2024
Bid price of EO complaining
Deposit for plea 0
Çmimi i ofertës së OE ankues 0
Status of the complaint In process
Date of notification of AK for the plea 09/09/2024
Complain Ankesa 814-24.pdf
Main text of the plea Ndërtimi i rrugës rajonale R221 segmenti Rakosh-Cërkolez
Numrber of parts
Unit price
Hearing Experts
Professional Exprets
Technical Experts
Date of notification with expertise for CA and EO
The exper report
CA's response No Answer
The response of the EO No Answer
Mendimi i Ekspertit en (Tagat)
Decision of the ASP
ASP decisions
Date of notification of ASP
Vendomi i panelit shqyrues en (Tagat)
Alternate Text


Session text

Date of the session

There is no court record on this case

Name of the document Type of the document Date
Ankesa 814-24.pdf Complaint 09/09/2024
813/24 SHËRBIME VETERINARE Kosova Police Crazy Pet SH.P.K. 09/09/2024 In process
Procurement Number 214-24-5514-2-2-1
Title of procurement activity SHËRBIME VETERINARE
Contracting authority Kosova Police
Tender category Service
The foreseen value of the contract 0.00
Bid price of EO complaining 0.00
Received date of complaint 09/09/2024
Bid price of EO complaining
Deposit for plea 0
Çmimi i ofertës së OE ankues 0
Status of the complaint In process
Date of notification of AK for the plea 09/09/2024
Complain Ankim 813-24.Pdf
Main text of the plea SHËRBIME VETERINARE
Numrber of parts
Unit price
Hearing Experts
Professional Exprets
Technical Experts
Date of notification with expertise for CA and EO
The exper report
CA's response No Answer
The response of the EO No Answer
Mendimi i Ekspertit en (Tagat)
Decision of the ASP
ASP decisions
Date of notification of ASP
Vendomi i panelit shqyrues en (Tagat)
Alternate Text


Session text

Date of the session

There is no court record on this case

Name of the document Type of the document Date
Ankim 813-24.Pdf Complaint 09/09/2024

Are Displayed 11 to 20 from 6869 Complain