No. of Protocol Procurement activity Contracting authority Complaining EO Received date of complaint status
197/17 Furnizim me pajisje personale mbrojtese ne pune KEC Pastor Kosova shpk 27/06/2017 In process
Legal deadline
Procurement Number KEK-16-380-1-1-1
Title of procurement activity Furnizim me pajisje personale mbrojtese ne pune
Contracting authority KEC
Tender category Supply
The foreseen value of the contract 0.00
Bid price of EO complaining 0.00
Received date of complaint 27/06/2017
Bid price of EO complaining
Deposit for plea 0
Çmimi i ofertës së OE ankues 0
Status of the complaint In process
Date of notification of AK for the plea 27/06/2017
Complain 197-17ankesa_1.PDF
Main text of the plea Furnizim me pajisje personale mbrojtese ne pune
Numrber of parts
Unit price
Hearing Experts
Professional Exprets
Technical Experts
Date of notification with expertise for CA and EO
The exper report
CA's response No Answer
The response of the EO No Answer
Mendimi i Ekspertit en (Tagat)
Decision of the ASP
ASP decisions
Date of notification of ASP
Vendomi i panelit shqyrues en (Tagat)
Alternate Text


Session text

Date of the session

There is no court record on this case

Name of the document Type of the document Date
197-17ankesa_1.PDF Complaint 27/06/2017
196/17 Furnizim me zingjire per skara dhe dhenesa te thengjillit KEC ND shpk 23/06/2017 In process
Legal deadline
Procurement Number KEKO-17-023-121
Title of procurement activity Furnizim me zingjire per skara dhe dhenesa te thengjillit
Contracting authority KEC
Tender category Supply
The foreseen value of the contract 0.00
Bid price of EO complaining 0.00
Received date of complaint 23/06/2017
Bid price of EO complaining
Deposit for plea 0
Çmimi i ofertës së OE ankues 0
Status of the complaint In process
Date of notification of AK for the plea 23/06/2017
Complain 196-17ankesa_1.PDF
Main text of the plea Furnizim me zingjire per skara dhe dhenesa te thengjillit
Numrber of parts
Unit price
Hearing Experts
Professional Exprets
Technical Experts
Date of notification with expertise for CA and EO
The exper report
CA's response No Answer
The response of the EO No Answer
Mendimi i Ekspertit en (Tagat)
Decision of the ASP
ASP decisions
Date of notification of ASP
Vendomi i panelit shqyrues en (Tagat)
Alternate Text


Session text

Date of the session

There is no court record on this case

Name of the document Type of the document Date
196-17ankesa_1.PDF Complaint 23/06/2017
195/17 Sigurimi i auto-pergjegjesise dhe kontrollimi teknik per automjete Telecom of Kosovo sha Kompania e Sigurimeve "ILLYRIA" sh.a. 22/06/2017 In process
Legal deadline
Procurement Number TK-17-966-2-1-1
Title of procurement activity Sigurimi i auto-pergjegjesise dhe kontrollimi teknik per automjete
Contracting authority Telecom of Kosovo sha
Tender category Service
The foreseen value of the contract 0.00
Bid price of EO complaining 0.00
Received date of complaint 22/06/2017
Bid price of EO complaining
Deposit for plea 0
Çmimi i ofertës së OE ankues 0
Status of the complaint In process
Date of notification of AK for the plea 22/06/2017
Complain 195-17ankesa_1.PDF
Main text of the plea Sigurimi i auto-pergjegjesise dhe kontrollimi teknik per automjete
Numrber of parts
Unit price
Hearing Experts
Professional Exprets
Technical Experts
Date of notification with expertise for CA and EO
The exper report
CA's response No Answer
The response of the EO No Answer
Mendimi i Ekspertit en (Tagat)
Decision of the ASP
ASP decisions
Date of notification of ASP
Vendomi i panelit shqyrues en (Tagat)
Alternate Text


Session text

Date of the session

There is no court record on this case

Name of the document Type of the document Date
195-17ankesa_1.PDF Complaint 22/06/2017
194/17 Furnizim me barna nga L.E per Lot: 6 - Bacitracin + Neomycin sulphate plv (250IU-330IU) 1g Jashtem Ministria e Shëndetësisë NTP ICN&BM 22/06/2017 In process
Legal deadline
Procurement Number 206-17-005-111
Title of procurement activity Furnizim me barna nga L.E per Lot: 6 - Bacitracin + Neomycin sulphate plv (250IU-330IU) 1g Jashtem
Contracting authority Ministria e Shëndetësisë
Tender category Supply
The foreseen value of the contract 0.00
Bid price of EO complaining 0.00
Received date of complaint 22/06/2017
Bid price of EO complaining
Deposit for plea 0
Çmimi i ofertës së OE ankues 0
Status of the complaint In process
Date of notification of AK for the plea 22/06/2017
Complain 194-17ankesa_1.PDF
Main text of the plea Furnizim me barna nga L.E per Lot: 6 - Bacitracin + Neomycin sulphate plv (250IU-330IU) 1g Jashtem
Numrber of parts
Unit price
Hearing Experts
Professional Exprets
Technical Experts
Date of notification with expertise for CA and EO
The exper report
CA's response No Answer
The response of the EO No Answer
Mendimi i Ekspertit en (Tagat)
Decision of the ASP
ASP decisions
Date of notification of ASP
Vendomi i panelit shqyrues en (Tagat)
Alternate Text


Session text

Date of the session

There is no court record on this case

Name of the document Type of the document Date
194-17ankesa_1.PDF Complaint 22/06/2017
193/17 Pastrimi i rrugeve, trotuareve, mirembajtja e parqeve dhe hapesirave Municipality of Gjilan Eco Higjiena 22/06/2017 In process
Legal deadline
Procurement Number GI651 16 052 211
Title of procurement activity Pastrimi i rrugeve, trotuareve, mirembajtja e parqeve dhe hapesirave
Contracting authority Municipality of Gjilan
Tender category Service
The foreseen value of the contract 0.00
Bid price of EO complaining 0.00
Received date of complaint 22/06/2017
Bid price of EO complaining
Deposit for plea 0
Çmimi i ofertës së OE ankues 0
Status of the complaint In process
Date of notification of AK for the plea 22/06/2017
Complain 193-17ankesa_1.PDF
Main text of the plea Pastrimi i rrugeve, trotuareve, mirembajtja e parqeve dhe hapesirave
Numrber of parts
Unit price
Hearing Experts
Professional Exprets
Technical Experts
Date of notification with expertise for CA and EO
The exper report
CA's response No Answer
The response of the EO No Answer
Mendimi i Ekspertit en (Tagat)
Decision of the ASP
ASP decisions
Date of notification of ASP
Vendomi i panelit shqyrues en (Tagat)
Alternate Text


Session text

Date of the session

There is no court record on this case

Name of the document Type of the document Date
193-17ankesa_1.PDF Complaint 22/06/2017
192/17 Pastrimi i siperfaqeve ngrohese ne kaldajat dhe hojave te nxemsave KEC Monting Energjetika SH.P.K 21/06/2017 In process
Legal deadline
Procurement Number KEK-17-1086-5-2-1
Title of procurement activity Pastrimi i siperfaqeve ngrohese ne kaldajat dhe hojave te nxemsave
Contracting authority KEC
Tender category Work
The foreseen value of the contract 0.00
Bid price of EO complaining 0.00
Received date of complaint 21/06/2017
Bid price of EO complaining
Deposit for plea 0
Çmimi i ofertës së OE ankues 0
Status of the complaint In process
Date of notification of AK for the plea 21/06/2017
Complain 192-17ankesa_1.PDF
Main text of the plea Pastrimi i siperfaqeve ngrohese ne kaldajat dhe hojave te nxemsave
Numrber of parts
Unit price
Hearing Experts
Professional Exprets
Technical Experts
Date of notification with expertise for CA and EO
The exper report
CA's response No Answer
The response of the EO No Answer
Mendimi i Ekspertit en (Tagat)
Decision of the ASP
ASP decisions
Date of notification of ASP
Vendomi i panelit shqyrues en (Tagat)
Alternate Text


Session text

Date of the session

There is no court record on this case

Name of the document Type of the document Date
192-17ankesa_1.PDF Complaint 21/06/2017
199/17 Furnizim me Tonera Ministria e Shëndetësisë Europrinty shpk 20/06/2017 In process
Legal deadline
Procurement Number 206-17-1762-121
Title of procurement activity Furnizim me Tonera
Contracting authority Ministria e Shëndetësisë
Tender category Supply
The foreseen value of the contract 0.00
Bid price of EO complaining 0.00
Received date of complaint 20/06/2017
Bid price of EO complaining
Deposit for plea 0
Çmimi i ofertës së OE ankues 0
Status of the complaint In process
Date of notification of AK for the plea 29/06/2017
Complain 199-17ankesa_1.PDF
Main text of the plea Furnizim me Tonera
Numrber of parts
Unit price
Hearing Experts
Professional Exprets
Technical Experts
Date of notification with expertise for CA and EO
The exper report
CA's response No Answer
The response of the EO No Answer
Mendimi i Ekspertit en (Tagat)
Decision of the ASP
ASP decisions
Date of notification of ASP
Vendomi i panelit shqyrues en (Tagat)
Alternate Text


Session text

Date of the session

There is no court record on this case

Name of the document Type of the document Date
199-17ankesa_1.PDF Complaint 29/06/2017
191/17 Furnizim me kushineta, semeringa dhe shtepiza per kushineta KEC Ecotrade 20/06/2017 In process
Legal deadline
Procurement Number KEK-17-2380-1-2-1
Title of procurement activity Furnizim me kushineta, semeringa dhe shtepiza per kushineta
Contracting authority KEC
Tender category Supply
The foreseen value of the contract 0.00
Bid price of EO complaining 0.00
Received date of complaint 20/06/2017
Bid price of EO complaining
Deposit for plea 0
Çmimi i ofertës së OE ankues 0
Status of the complaint In process
Date of notification of AK for the plea 20/06/2017
Complain 191-17ankesa_1.PDF
Main text of the plea Furnizim me kushineta, semeringa dhe shtepiza per kushineta
Numrber of parts
Unit price
Hearing Experts
Professional Exprets
Technical Experts
Date of notification with expertise for CA and EO
The exper report
CA's response No Answer
The response of the EO No Answer
Mendimi i Ekspertit en (Tagat)
Decision of the ASP
ASP decisions
Date of notification of ASP
Vendomi i panelit shqyrues en (Tagat)
Alternate Text


Session text

Date of the session

There is no court record on this case

Name of the document Type of the document Date
191-17ankesa_1.PDF Complaint 20/06/2017
190/17 Ndertim i shkolles fillore SHFMU "Drita" ne fshatin Rubovc - Kontrate dy vjeqare Kuvendi Komunal Lipjan NPN Alping 19/06/2017 In process
Legal deadline
Procurement Number 613-17-1840-5-2-1
Title of procurement activity Ndertim i shkolles fillore SHFMU "Drita" ne fshatin Rubovc - Kontrate dy vjeqare
Contracting authority Kuvendi Komunal Lipjan
Tender category Work
The foreseen value of the contract 0.00
Bid price of EO complaining 0.00
Received date of complaint 19/06/2017
Bid price of EO complaining
Deposit for plea 0
Çmimi i ofertës së OE ankues 0
Status of the complaint In process
Date of notification of AK for the plea 19/06/2017
Complain 190-17ankesa_1.PDF
Main text of the plea Ndertim i shkolles fillore SHFMU "Drita" ne fshatin Rubovc - Kontrate dy vjeqare
Numrber of parts
Unit price
Hearing Experts
Professional Exprets
Technical Experts
Date of notification with expertise for CA and EO
The exper report
CA's response No Answer
The response of the EO No Answer
Mendimi i Ekspertit en (Tagat)
Decision of the ASP
ASP decisions
Date of notification of ASP
Vendomi i panelit shqyrues en (Tagat)
Alternate Text


Session text

Date of the session

There is no court record on this case

Name of the document Type of the document Date
190-17ankesa_1.PDF Complaint 19/06/2017
189-17 Renovimi i Objektit te FNA-se University of Prishtina Astra Plan shpk 19/06/2017 In process
Legal deadline
Procurement Number 242-17-1806-5-2-1
Title of procurement activity Renovimi i Objektit te FNA-se
Contracting authority University of Prishtina
Tender category Work
The foreseen value of the contract 0.00
Bid price of EO complaining 0.00
Received date of complaint 19/06/2017
Bid price of EO complaining
Deposit for plea 0
Çmimi i ofertës së OE ankues 0
Status of the complaint In process
Date of notification of AK for the plea 19/06/2017
Complain 189-17ankesa_1.PDF
Main text of the plea Renovimi i Objektit te FNA-se
Numrber of parts
Unit price
Hearing Experts
Professional Exprets
Technical Experts
Date of notification with expertise for CA and EO
The exper report
CA's response No Answer
The response of the EO No Answer
Mendimi i Ekspertit en (Tagat)
Decision of the ASP
ASP decisions
Date of notification of ASP
Vendomi i panelit shqyrues en (Tagat)
Alternate Text


Session text

Date of the session

There is no court record on this case

Name of the document Type of the document Date
189-17ankesa_1.PDF Complaint 19/06/2017

Are Displayed 6451 to 6460 from 6652 Complain