No. of Protocol Procurement activity Contracting authority Complaining EO Received date of complaint status
404/17 Furnizim me barna nga Lista Esenciale Ministria e Shëndetësisë Liri-Med SH.P.K. 20/10/2017 In process
Legal deadline
Procurement Number 206-17-3307-111
Title of procurement activity Furnizim me barna nga Lista Esenciale
Contracting authority Ministria e Shëndetësisë
Tender category Supply
The foreseen value of the contract 0.00
Bid price of EO complaining 0.00
Received date of complaint 20/10/2017
Bid price of EO complaining
Deposit for plea 0
Çmimi i ofertës së OE ankues 0
Status of the complaint In process
Date of notification of AK for the plea 20/10/2017
Complain 404-17ankesa_1.PDF
Main text of the plea Furnizim me barna nga Lista Esenciale
Numrber of parts
Unit price
Hearing Experts
Professional Exprets
Technical Experts
Date of notification with expertise for CA and EO
The exper report
CA's response No Answer
The response of the EO No Answer
Mendimi i Ekspertit en (Tagat)
Decision of the ASP
ASP decisions
Date of notification of ASP
Vendomi i panelit shqyrues en (Tagat)
Alternate Text


Session text

Date of the session

There is no court record on this case

Name of the document Type of the document Date
404-17ankesa_1.PDF Complaint 20/10/2017
403/17 Ritenderim-Asfaltimi i rruges Prelez i Muhaxhereve - Papaz - Sazli - Prelez i Jerlive - projekt tre vjecar Municipality of Ferizaj RSM Company SH.P.K 20/10/2017 In process
Legal deadline
Procurement Number 656-17-3719-511
Title of procurement activity Ritenderim-Asfaltimi i rruges Prelez i Muhaxhereve - Papaz - Sazli - Prelez i Jerlive - projekt tre vjecar
Contracting authority Municipality of Ferizaj
Tender category Work
The foreseen value of the contract 0.00
Bid price of EO complaining 0.00
Received date of complaint 20/10/2017
Bid price of EO complaining
Deposit for plea 0
Çmimi i ofertës së OE ankues 0
Status of the complaint In process
Date of notification of AK for the plea 20/10/2017
Complain 403-17ankesa_1.PDF
Main text of the plea Ritenderim-Asfaltimi i rruges Prelez i Muhaxhereve - Papaz - Sazli - Prelez i Jerlive - projekt tre vjecar
Numrber of parts
Unit price
Hearing Experts
Professional Exprets
Technical Experts
Date of notification with expertise for CA and EO
The exper report
CA's response No Answer
The response of the EO No Answer
Mendimi i Ekspertit en (Tagat)
Decision of the ASP
ASP decisions
Date of notification of ASP
Vendomi i panelit shqyrues en (Tagat)
Alternate Text


Session text

Date of the session

There is no court record on this case

Name of the document Type of the document Date
403-17ankesa_1.PDF Complaint 20/10/2017
402/17 Shenjezimi horizontal, vertikal dhe vendosja e barrierave ne rruget e Prizrenit, LOT 2 Municipality of Prizren RSM Company SH.P.K 20/10/2017 In process
Legal deadline
Procurement Number 622-16-086-511
Title of procurement activity Shenjezimi horizontal, vertikal dhe vendosja e barrierave ne rruget e Prizrenit, LOT 2
Contracting authority Municipality of Prizren
Tender category Work
The foreseen value of the contract 0.00
Bid price of EO complaining 0.00
Received date of complaint 20/10/2017
Bid price of EO complaining
Deposit for plea 0
Çmimi i ofertës së OE ankues 0
Status of the complaint In process
Date of notification of AK for the plea 20/10/2017
Complain 402-17ankesa_1.PDF
Main text of the plea Shenjezimi horizontal, vertikal dhe vendosja e barrierave ne rruget e Prizrenit, LOT 2
Numrber of parts
Unit price
Hearing Experts
Professional Exprets
Technical Experts
Date of notification with expertise for CA and EO
The exper report
CA's response No Answer
The response of the EO No Answer
Mendimi i Ekspertit en (Tagat)
Decision of the ASP
ASP decisions
Date of notification of ASP
Vendomi i panelit shqyrues en (Tagat)
Alternate Text


Session text

Date of the session

There is no court record on this case

Name of the document Type of the document Date
402-17ankesa_1.PDF Complaint 20/10/2017
401/17 Mirembajtja e Rrjetave Telekomunikuese te Telekomit te Kosoves - Pjesa / Lot 1: Regjioni i Prishtines Telecom of Kosovo sha Astraplan SH.P.K. 20/10/2017 In process
Legal deadline
Procurement Number Tk-17-1343-521
Title of procurement activity Mirembajtja e Rrjetave Telekomunikuese te Telekomit te Kosoves - Pjesa / Lot 1: Regjioni i Prishtines
Contracting authority Telecom of Kosovo sha
Tender category Work
The foreseen value of the contract 0.00
Bid price of EO complaining 0.00
Received date of complaint 20/10/2017
Bid price of EO complaining
Deposit for plea 0
Çmimi i ofertës së OE ankues 0
Status of the complaint In process
Date of notification of AK for the plea 20/10/2017
Complain 401-17ankesa_1.PDF
Main text of the plea Mirembajtja e Rrjetave Telekomunikuese te Telekomit te Kosoves - Pjesa / Lot 1: Regjioni i Prishtines
Numrber of parts
Unit price
Hearing Experts
Professional Exprets
Technical Experts
Date of notification with expertise for CA and EO
The exper report
CA's response No Answer
The response of the EO No Answer
Mendimi i Ekspertit en (Tagat)
Decision of the ASP
ASP decisions
Date of notification of ASP
Vendomi i panelit shqyrues en (Tagat)
Alternate Text


Session text

Date of the session

There is no court record on this case

Name of the document Type of the document Date
401-17ankesa_1.PDF Complaint 20/10/2017
400/17 Ujesjellesi Kryesor - Vazhdimi i Punimeve (Projekt tre vjecar) Komuna Dragash Konsorciumi Puna sh.p.k & N.N Infra Plus 20/10/2017 In process
Legal deadline
Procurement Number 621-17-2649-511
Title of procurement activity Ujesjellesi Kryesor - Vazhdimi i Punimeve (Projekt tre vjecar)
Contracting authority Komuna Dragash
Tender category Work
The foreseen value of the contract 0.00
Bid price of EO complaining 0.00
Received date of complaint 20/10/2017
Bid price of EO complaining
Deposit for plea 0
Çmimi i ofertës së OE ankues 0
Status of the complaint In process
Date of notification of AK for the plea 20/10/2017
Complain 400-17ankesa_1.PDF
Main text of the plea Ujesjellesi Kryesor - Vazhdimi i Punimeve (Projekt tre vjecar)
Numrber of parts
Unit price
Hearing Experts
Professional Exprets
Technical Experts
Date of notification with expertise for CA and EO
The exper report
CA's response No Answer
The response of the EO No Answer
Mendimi i Ekspertit en (Tagat)
Decision of the ASP
ASP decisions
Date of notification of ASP
Vendomi i panelit shqyrues en (Tagat)
Alternate Text


Session text

Date of the session

There is no court record on this case

Name of the document Type of the document Date
400-17ankesa_1.PDF Complaint 20/10/2017
399/17 Sherbime Hoteliere ne Hapesirat e Objekteve te PK-se (Lot 1 dhe Lot 2) Kosova Police Beni Dona Plast shpk 20/10/2017 In process
Legal deadline
Procurement Number 214-17-1875-221
Title of procurement activity Sherbime Hoteliere ne Hapesirat e Objekteve te PK-se (Lot 1 dhe Lot 2)
Contracting authority Kosova Police
Tender category Service
The foreseen value of the contract 0.00
Bid price of EO complaining 0.00
Received date of complaint 20/10/2017
Bid price of EO complaining
Deposit for plea 0
Çmimi i ofertës së OE ankues 0
Status of the complaint In process
Date of notification of AK for the plea 20/10/2017
Complain 399-17ankesa_1.PDF
Main text of the plea Sherbime Hoteliere ne Hapesirat e Objekteve te PK-se (Lot 1 dhe Lot 2)
Numrber of parts
Unit price
Hearing Experts
Professional Exprets
Technical Experts
Date of notification with expertise for CA and EO
The exper report
CA's response No Answer
The response of the EO No Answer
Mendimi i Ekspertit en (Tagat)
Decision of the ASP
ASP decisions
Date of notification of ASP
Vendomi i panelit shqyrues en (Tagat)
Alternate Text


Session text

Date of the session

There is no court record on this case

Name of the document Type of the document Date
399-17ankesa_1.PDF Complaint 20/10/2017
398/17 Ndertimi i rrugeve ne Makove - lagja Balaj dhe Grashtice e Eperme lagja Musaj, Regjaj dhe Obzovik Municipality Pristina Seticommerce shpk 20/10/2017 In process
Legal deadline
Procurement Number 616-17-3411-521
Title of procurement activity Ndertimi i rrugeve ne Makove - lagja Balaj dhe Grashtice e Eperme lagja Musaj, Regjaj dhe Obzovik
Contracting authority Municipality Pristina
Tender category Work
The foreseen value of the contract 0.00
Bid price of EO complaining 0.00
Received date of complaint 20/10/2017
Bid price of EO complaining
Deposit for plea 0
Çmimi i ofertës së OE ankues 0
Status of the complaint In process
Date of notification of AK for the plea 20/10/2017
Complain 398-17ankesa_1.PDF
Main text of the plea Ndertimi i rrugeve ne Makove - lagja Balaj dhe Grashtice e Eperme lagja Musaj, Regjaj dhe Obzovik
Numrber of parts
Unit price
Hearing Experts
Professional Exprets
Technical Experts
Date of notification with expertise for CA and EO
The exper report
CA's response No Answer
The response of the EO No Answer
Mendimi i Ekspertit en (Tagat)
Decision of the ASP
ASP decisions
Date of notification of ASP
Vendomi i panelit shqyrues en (Tagat)
Alternate Text


Session text

Date of the session

There is no court record on this case

Name of the document Type of the document Date
398-17ankesa_1.PDF Complaint 20/10/2017
397/17 Furnizim me paisje te teknologjise informative per nevojat e Agjencive te Pavarura Central Procurement Agency Botek shpk 19/10/2017 In process
Legal deadline
Procurement Number UA/2016-17-3346-111
Title of procurement activity Furnizim me paisje te teknologjise informative per nevojat e Agjencive te Pavarura
Contracting authority Central Procurement Agency
Tender category Supply
The foreseen value of the contract 0.00
Bid price of EO complaining 0.00
Received date of complaint 19/10/2017
Bid price of EO complaining
Deposit for plea 0
Çmimi i ofertës së OE ankues 0
Status of the complaint In process
Date of notification of AK for the plea 19/10/2017
Complain 397-17ankesa_1.PDF
Main text of the plea Furnizim me paisje te teknologjise informative per nevojat e Agjencive te Pavarura
Numrber of parts
Unit price
Hearing Experts
Professional Exprets
Technical Experts
Date of notification with expertise for CA and EO
The exper report
CA's response No Answer
The response of the EO No Answer
Mendimi i Ekspertit en (Tagat)
Decision of the ASP
ASP decisions
Date of notification of ASP
Vendomi i panelit shqyrues en (Tagat)
Alternate Text


Session text

Date of the session

There is no court record on this case

Name of the document Type of the document Date
397-17ankesa_1.PDF Complaint 19/10/2017
396/17 Shitja e sortimenteve drurore per drejtorine nr. 56 dhe 57 reonin pyjor-ekonomik "Sushiq" G.J. Pyjet e Vrbeshtices-Kashtanjeves Komuna Shtërpcë NT Daja 19/10/2017 In process
Legal deadline
Procurement Number 655-17-028-2017
Title of procurement activity Shitja e sortimenteve drurore per drejtorine nr. 56 dhe 57 reonin pyjor-ekonomik "Sushiq" G.J. Pyjet e Vrbeshtices-Kashtanjeves
Contracting authority Komuna Shtërpcë
Tender category Service
The foreseen value of the contract 0.00
Bid price of EO complaining 0.00
Received date of complaint 19/10/2017
Bid price of EO complaining
Deposit for plea 0
Çmimi i ofertës së OE ankues 0
Status of the complaint In process
Date of notification of AK for the plea 19/10/2017
Complain 396-17ankesa_1.PDF
Main text of the plea Shitja e sortimenteve drurore per drejtorine nr. 56 dhe 57 reonin pyjor-ekonomik "Sushiq" G.J. Pyjet e Vrbeshtices-Kashtanjeves
Numrber of parts
Unit price
Hearing Experts
Professional Exprets
Technical Experts
Date of notification with expertise for CA and EO
The exper report
CA's response No Answer
The response of the EO No Answer
Mendimi i Ekspertit en (Tagat)
Decision of the ASP
ASP decisions
Date of notification of ASP
Vendomi i panelit shqyrues en (Tagat)
Alternate Text


Session text

Date of the session

There is no court record on this case

Name of the document Type of the document Date
396-17ankesa_1.PDF Complaint 19/10/2017
395/17 Furnizim me Server, Software dhe Pajisje tjera percjellese (Hardwerike) Agjencia Kosovare për Krahasim dhe Verifikim të Pronës N.T. Info com 19/10/2017 In process
Legal deadline
Procurement Number 329-17-3568-111
Title of procurement activity Furnizim me Server, Software dhe Pajisje tjera percjellese (Hardwerike)
Contracting authority Agjencia Kosovare për Krahasim dhe Verifikim të Pronës
Tender category Supply
The foreseen value of the contract 0.00
Bid price of EO complaining 0.00
Received date of complaint 19/10/2017
Bid price of EO complaining
Deposit for plea 0
Çmimi i ofertës së OE ankues 0
Status of the complaint In process
Date of notification of AK for the plea 19/10/2017
Complain 395-17ankesa_1.PDF
Main text of the plea Furnizim me Server, Software dhe Pajisje tjera percjellese (Hardwerike)
Numrber of parts
Unit price
Hearing Experts
Professional Exprets
Technical Experts
Date of notification with expertise for CA and EO
The exper report
CA's response No Answer
The response of the EO No Answer
Mendimi i Ekspertit en (Tagat)
Decision of the ASP
ASP decisions
Date of notification of ASP
Vendomi i panelit shqyrues en (Tagat)
Alternate Text


Session text

Date of the session

There is no court record on this case

Name of the document Type of the document Date
395-17ankesa_1.PDF Complaint 19/10/2017

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