No. of Protocol Procurement activity Contracting authority Complaining EO Received date of complaint status
960/20 Mirëmbajtje e GPS-ëve ekzistues dhe furnizimi me GPS të ri KRU "Prishtina" TMS Mobile SH.P.K. 17/11/2020 Ended
Procurement Number 70433736-20-7499-2-2-1
Title of procurement activity Mirëmbajtje e GPS-ëve ekzistues dhe furnizimi me GPS të ri
Contracting authority KRU "Prishtina"
Tender category Service
The foreseen value of the contract 15000.00
Bid price of EO complaining 0.00
Received date of complaint 17/11/2020
Bid price of EO complaining 0.00
Deposit for plea 150
Çmimi i ofertës së OE ankues 0
Status of the complaint Ended
Date of notification of AK for the plea 17/11/2020
Complain 960-20ank.pdf
Main text of the plea Mirëmbajtje e GPS-ëve ekzistues dhe furnizimi me GPS të ri
Tagat Furnizim, Ekzistues, Mirëmbajtja, GPS
Numrber of parts
Unit price
Hearing Experts
Professional Exprets
Technical Experts
Date of notification with expertise for CA and EO
The exper report
CA's response No Answer
The response of the EO No Answer
Mendimi i Ekspertit en (Tagat)
Decision of the ASP 960/20
ASP decisions
Date of notification of ASP 02/12/2020
Vendomi i panelit shqyrues en (Tagat)
Alternate Text


Session text

Date of the session

There is no court record on this case

Name of the document Type of the document Date
960-20vendim.PDF Raport i PSH 02/12/2020
960-20ank.pdf Complaint 17/11/2020
959/20 Instalimi dhe monitorimi i sistemit të alarmit publik (kundër thyerjes dhe vjedhjes) në të gjitha IEA-të Municipality of Lipjan K.S. Besa Security SH.P.K. 17/11/2020 Ended
Procurement Number 613-20-6418-2-2-1
Title of procurement activity Instalimi dhe monitorimi i sistemit të alarmit publik (kundër thyerjes dhe vjedhjes) në të gjitha IEA-të
Contracting authority Municipality of Lipjan
Tender category Service
The foreseen value of the contract 30000.00
Bid price of EO complaining 0.00
Received date of complaint 17/11/2020
Bid price of EO complaining 0.00
Deposit for plea 300
Çmimi i ofertës së OE ankues 0
Status of the complaint Ended
Date of notification of AK for the plea 17/11/2020
Complain 959-20an.pdf
Main text of the plea Instalimi dhe monitorimi i sistemit të alarmit publik (kundër thyerjes dhe vjedhjes) në të gjitha IEA-të
Tagat Kundër , Sistemit , Thyerjes, IEA, instalimi, Vjedhjes, Publik, Alarmit, Monitorimi
Numrber of parts
Unit price
Hearing Experts
Professional Exprets
Technical Experts
Date of notification with expertise for CA and EO
The exper report
CA's response No Answer
The response of the EO No Answer
Mendimi i Ekspertit en (Tagat)
Decision of the ASP 959/20
ASP decisions
Date of notification of ASP 09/12/2020
Vendomi i panelit shqyrues en (Tagat)
Alternate Text


Session text

Date of the session

There is no court record on this case

Name of the document Type of the document Date
959-20vendim.PDF Raport i PSH 09/12/2020
959-20an.pdf Complaint 17/11/2020
958/20 Furnizimi dhe montimi me pajisje laboratorike për nevoja të shkollave Municipality of Podujeva Inter Lab SH.P.K. 17/11/2020 Ended
Procurement Number 615-20-6473-1-1-1
Title of procurement activity Furnizimi dhe montimi me pajisje laboratorike për nevoja të shkollave
Contracting authority Municipality of Podujeva
Tender category Supply
The foreseen value of the contract 280000.00
Bid price of EO complaining 0.00
Received date of complaint 17/11/2020
Bid price of EO complaining 0.00
Deposit for plea 2800
Çmimi i ofertës së OE ankues 0
Status of the complaint Ended
Date of notification of AK for the plea 17/11/2020
Complain 958-20ank.pdf
Main text of the plea Furnizimi dhe montimi me pajisje laboratorike për nevoja të shkollave
Tagat Pajisje, Montimi, Furnizim, Shkollave, Nevojat, Laboratorike
Numrber of parts
Unit price
Hearing Experts
Professional Exprets
Technical Experts
Date of notification with expertise for CA and EO
The exper report
CA's response No Answer
The response of the EO No Answer
Mendimi i Ekspertit en (Tagat)
Decision of the ASP 958/20
ASP decisions
Date of notification of ASP 18/11/2020
Vendomi i panelit shqyrues en (Tagat)
Alternate Text


Session text

Date of the session

There is no court record on this case

Name of the document Type of the document Date
958-20vendim.PDF Raport i PSH 18/11/2020
958-20ank.pdf Complaint 17/11/2020
957/20 Tregu i ri i qytetit Municipality Pristina Rexha Sh.p.k 17/11/2020 Ended
Procurement Number 616-19-9686-5-1-1
Title of procurement activity Tregu i ri i qytetit
Contracting authority Municipality Pristina
Tender category Work
The foreseen value of the contract 5524160.12
Bid price of EO complaining 4492218.41
Received date of complaint 17/11/2020
Bid price of EO complaining 4492218.41
Deposit for plea 5000
Çmimi i ofertës së OE ankues 4382782
Status of the complaint Ended
Date of notification of AK for the plea 17/11/2020
Complain 957-20ank.pdf
Main text of the plea Tregu i ri i qytetit
Tagat Qytetit, Tregu
Numrber of parts
Unit price
Hearing Experts
Professional Exprets Ilaz Papaj
Technical Experts
Date of notification with expertise for CA and EO 03/12/2020
The exper report 957 967 994-20eks.pdf
CA's response I do not agree
The response of the EO No Answer
Mendimi i Ekspertit en (Tagat)
Decision of the ASP 957/20
ASP decisions
Date of notification of ASP 15/12/2020
Vendomi i panelit shqyrues en (Tagat)
Alternate Text


Session text

Date of the session

There is no court record on this case

Name of the document Type of the document Date
957-967-994-20vendim.pdf Raport i PSH 15/12/2020
957 967 994-20eks.pdf Experts report 03/12/2020
957-20ank.pdf Complaint 17/11/2020
956/20 Rregullimi i gardhit rrethues për parkun ekonomik në Lubizhdë të Prizrenit Municipality of Prizren Construmax SH.P.K. 17/11/2020 Ended
Procurement Number 622-20-3261-5-2-1
Title of procurement activity Rregullimi i gardhit rrethues për parkun ekonomik në Lubizhdë të Prizrenit
Contracting authority Municipality of Prizren
Tender category Work
The foreseen value of the contract 200000.00
Bid price of EO complaining 0.00
Received date of complaint 17/11/2020
Bid price of EO complaining 0.00
Deposit for plea 14422
Çmimi i ofertës së OE ankues 142241
Status of the complaint Ended
Date of notification of AK for the plea 17/11/2020
Complain 956-20ank.pdf
Main text of the plea Rregullimi i gardhit rrethues për parkun ekonomik në Lubizhdë të Prizrenit
Tagat Ekonomik, Parkun, Prizrenit, Gardhi, Lubizhdë, Rregullimi
Numrber of parts
Unit price
Hearing Experts Blerina Huruglica
Professional Exprets
Technical Experts
Date of notification with expertise for CA and EO 27/11/2020
The exper report 950-956-20eksp.pdf
CA's response I Agree
The response of the EO No Answer
Mendimi i Ekspertit en (Tagat)
Decision of the ASP 956/20
ASP decisions
Date of notification of ASP 04/12/2020
Vendomi i panelit shqyrues en (Tagat)
Alternate Text


Session text

Date of the session

There is no court record on this case

Name of the document Type of the document Date
950-956-20vendim.pdf Raport i PSH 04/12/2020
950-956-20eksp.pdf Experts report 27/11/2020
956-20ank.pdf Complaint 17/11/2020
955/20 Deratizimi, Dezinsektimi, Dezinfektimi në objektet e Komunës së Pejës Municipality of Peja Besim A. Zejnullahu B.I 17/11/2020 Ended
Procurement Number 635-20-5894-2-2-1
Title of procurement activity Deratizimi, Dezinsektimi, Dezinfektimi në objektet e Komunës së Pejës
Contracting authority Municipality of Peja
Tender category Service
The foreseen value of the contract 67000.00
Bid price of EO complaining 29000.00
Received date of complaint 17/11/2020
Bid price of EO complaining 29000.00
Deposit for plea 492
Çmimi i ofertës së OE ankues 49250
Status of the complaint Ended
Date of notification of AK for the plea 17/11/2020
Complain 955-20ank.pdf
Main text of the plea Deratizimi, Dezinsektimi, Dezinfektimi në objektet e Komunës së Pejës
Tagat Dezinsektim, Komunës, Dezinfektim, Deratizim, Pejë, Objektet
Numrber of parts
Unit price
Hearing Experts
Professional Exprets Xhevdet Bushi
Technical Experts
Date of notification with expertise for CA and EO 01/12/2020
The exper report 955-20eksp.pdf
CA's response No Answer
The response of the EO No Answer
Mendimi i Ekspertit en (Tagat)
Decision of the ASP 955/20
ASP decisions
Date of notification of ASP 16/12/2020
Vendomi i panelit shqyrues en (Tagat)
Alternate Text


Session text

Date of the session

There is no court record on this case

Name of the document Type of the document Date
955-20vendim.pdf Raport i PSH 16/12/2020
955-20eksp.pdf Experts report 01/12/2020
955-20ank.pdf Complaint 17/11/2020
954/20 Furnizimi dhe instalimi i ashensorit në qendrën e kulturës “Hasan Prishtina” Municipality Vushtrri Ejona Sh.p.k 16/11/2020 Ended
Procurement Number VU644-20-4997-1-2-1
Title of procurement activity Furnizimi dhe instalimi i ashensorit në qendrën e kulturës “Hasan Prishtina”
Contracting authority Municipality Vushtrri
Tender category Supply
The foreseen value of the contract 38000.00
Bid price of EO complaining 27000.00
Received date of complaint 16/11/2020
Bid price of EO complaining 27000.00
Deposit for plea 345
Çmimi i ofertës së OE ankues 34550
Status of the complaint Ended
Date of notification of AK for the plea 16/11/2020
Complain 954-20ank.pdf
Main text of the plea Furnizimi dhe instalimi i ashensorit në qendrën e kulturës “Hasan Prishtina”
Tagat Ashensorit, Kulturës, Furnizim, Qendrën, Hasan Prishtina, instalimi
Numrber of parts
Unit price
Hearing Experts Visar Basha
Professional Exprets
Technical Experts
Date of notification with expertise for CA and EO 26/11/2020
The exper report 954-20ekspertioza.pdf
CA's response No Answer
The response of the EO I do not agree
Mendimi i Ekspertit en (Tagat)
Decision of the ASP 954/20
ASP decisions
Date of notification of ASP 03/12/2020
Vendomi i panelit shqyrues en (Tagat)
Alternate Text


Session text

Date of the session

There is no court record on this case

Name of the document Type of the document Date
954-20vendim.PDF Raport i PSH 03/12/2020
954-20ekspertioza.pdf Experts report 26/11/2020
954-20ank.pdf Complaint 16/11/2020
953/20 Riparimi dhe mirëmbajta e objekteve të gjykatave dhe SKGjK-së Këshilli Gjyqësor i Kosovës Arhiko Ing OP 16/11/2020 Ended
Procurement Number 328-20-4309-5-2-1
Title of procurement activity Riparimi dhe mirëmbajta e objekteve të gjykatave dhe SKGjK-së
Contracting authority Këshilli Gjyqësor i Kosovës
Tender category Service
The foreseen value of the contract 499999.00
Bid price of EO complaining 16660.40
Received date of complaint 16/11/2020
Bid price of EO complaining 16660.40
Deposit for plea 5000
Çmimi i ofertës së OE ankues 11288
Status of the complaint Ended
Date of notification of AK for the plea 16/11/2020
Complain 953-20 ankese.pdf
Main text of the plea Riparimi dhe mirëmbajta e objekteve të gjykatave dhe SKGjK-së
Tagat Mirëmbajtja, Objekteve, Gjykata, Riparimi, SKGJK
Numrber of parts
Unit price
Hearing Experts
Professional Exprets
Technical Experts Berat Marmullaku
Date of notification with expertise for CA and EO 30/11/2020
The exper report 947-953-20eksp.pdf
CA's response I do not agree
The response of the EO No Answer
Mendimi i Ekspertit en (Tagat)
Decision of the ASP 953/20
ASP decisions
Date of notification of ASP 22/12/2020
Vendomi i panelit shqyrues en (Tagat)
Alternate Text


Session text

Date of the session

There is no court record on this case

Name of the document Type of the document Date
947-953-20vendim.pdf Raport i PSH 22/12/2020
947-953-20eksp.pdf Experts report 30/11/2020
953-20 ankese.pdf Complaint 16/11/2020
952/20 Vlerësimi i asetëve të Trainkos Sha Operimi me Trena i Hekurudhave të Kosovës - Trainkos SH.A. Pro Acc Group SH.P.K. 16/11/2020 Ended
Procurement Number 10908-20-4910-2-2-1
Title of procurement activity Vlerësimi i asetëve të Trainkos Sha
Contracting authority Operimi me Trena i Hekurudhave të Kosovës - Trainkos SH.A.
Tender category Service
The foreseen value of the contract 35000.00
Bid price of EO complaining 0.00
Received date of complaint 16/11/2020
Bid price of EO complaining 0.00
Deposit for plea 200
Çmimi i ofertës së OE ankues 19900
Status of the complaint Ended
Date of notification of AK for the plea 16/11/2020
Complain 952-20ank.pdf
Main text of the plea Vlerësimi i asetëve të Trainkos Sha
Tagat Trainkos Sha, Vlerësimi, aseteve
Numrber of parts
Unit price
Hearing Experts Agim Sheqiri
Professional Exprets
Technical Experts
Date of notification with expertise for CA and EO 30/11/2020
The exper report 952-20eksp.pdf
CA's response No Answer
The response of the EO I do not agree
Mendimi i Ekspertit en (Tagat)
Decision of the ASP 952/20
ASP decisions
Date of notification of ASP 07/12/2020
Vendomi i panelit shqyrues en (Tagat)
Alternate Text


Session text

Date of the session

There is no court record on this case

Name of the document Type of the document Date
952-20vendim.PDF Raport i PSH 07/12/2020
952-20eksp.pdf Experts report 30/11/2020
952-20ank.pdf Complaint 16/11/2020
951/20 Furnizimi me material për parandalimin e virusit COVID-19 për nevojat e shkollave të Komunës së Dragashit për vitin shkollor 2020-2021 Komuna Dragash Matkospharm SH.P.K. 16/11/2020 Ended
Procurement Number 621-20-5839-1-2-1
Title of procurement activity Furnizimi me material për parandalimin e virusit COVID-19 për nevojat e shkollave të Komunës së Dragashit për vitin shkollor 2020-2021
Contracting authority Komuna Dragash
Tender category Supply
The foreseen value of the contract 109400.00
Bid price of EO complaining 52488.00
Received date of complaint 16/11/2020
Bid price of EO complaining 52488.00
Deposit for plea 630
Çmimi i ofertës së OE ankues 62568
Status of the complaint Ended
Date of notification of AK for the plea 16/11/2020
Complain 951-20ankesa.PDF
Main text of the plea Furnizimi me material për parandalimin e virusit COVID-19 për nevojat e shkollave të Komunës së Dragashit për vitin shkollor 2020-2021
Tagat Covid-19, Vitin, Dragash, Virusit, Nevojat, Komunës, Parandalimin, Material, Shkollave, Shkollore, Furnizim
Numrber of parts
Unit price
Hearing Experts
Professional Exprets
Technical Experts
Date of notification with expertise for CA and EO
The exper report
CA's response No Answer
The response of the EO No Answer
Mendimi i Ekspertit en (Tagat)
Decision of the ASP 951/20
ASP decisions
Date of notification of ASP 10/12/2020
Vendomi i panelit shqyrues en (Tagat)
Alternate Text


Session text

Date of the session

There is no court record on this case

Name of the document Type of the document Date
951-20vendim.PDF Raport i PSH 10/12/2020
951-20ankesa.PDF Complaint 16/11/2020

Are Displayed 3591 to 3600 from 6652 Complain